Registration Form

We are excited to have the opportunity to work with your child! Forgione Tutoring has three locations: midtown Raleigh (Barrett Dr.), North Raleigh (Six Forks and Strickland), and east Cary. See the map and directions on our website to determine which one is closest to you. We also offer virtual tutoring through Zoom.

If you complete our registration without confirming an open time slot, we cannot guarantee that we have an opening. If you have not contacted us already, please do so now.

Once the registration is processed, you will receive a Welcome Letter via email with information about required materials and our policies.

Securing a time slot requires:

·       completing a Registration for each child

·       $25 non-refundable Registration Fee (all students) and a $50 Materials Fee (Test Prep students) that will be charged to the credit card on file before the first session.

1-on-1 Rates
$70/hr with Staff
$80/hr with Lead Staff
$90/hr with Director
$110/hr with Heather, pay-as-go, or $100/hr pre-paid discounted package for 20 hours
Heather Forgione schedules via Wait List and works in the Midtown Raleigh office.

College application essay writing assistance
$90 per hour with our Writing coaches
$120 per hour with Heather

Payment Policies

The Registration will prompt you to select one of the following payment options:

1.)   Pay-as-go by check or cash: payment is due at each session. If your child is tutoring multiple times per week, you can bundle multiple payments into one check payment. Checks are made payable to Forgione Tutoring and turned into the tutor or placed in our designated payment folders.

2.) Pre-pay for the month ahead by check or credit card. Checks should be made payable to Forgione Tutoring and turned into the tutor. All credit card charges incur a 3% convenience fee.

3.)  House account: at the beginning of each month, last month’s lessons will be automatically charged to the credit card on file, plus a 3% convenience fee. You will not receive an invoice unless by request.

Invoices can be paid online by credit card. A 3% convenience fee will be added to the balance. For this option, request an invoice from [email protected].

Overdue Invoices

·       If an invoice is not paid by the due date, the credit card on file will be charged the full balance, plus a 3% convenience fee.

·       A fee of $25 will be applied to your account for any failed check payments.

Cancellation Policy: Contact your tutor by 6 pm the night before the session to cancel or reschedule your session. The cancellation fee is $35 per hour of cancelled time.

Tutor contact information is included in the Welcome Letter, in your online account, and on the first page of the student's binder.

Attendance Policy: If attendance meets or drops below 50% for a specific time slot in any 4-week period, we reserve the right to release a student from his/her time slot and open that slot to someone else. We would do our best to coordinate a new new slot that works better for your child.

Discontinuation Policy: To discontinue the tutoring for any reason, we require 2 weeks' notice. To notify us, send an email to [email protected]. If we do not receive the required 2 weeks' notice, all scheduled sessions in the following 2-week period will be charged to the credit card on file.

Materials: the materials feel covers the cost of all materials for our test prep students with the exception of any supplemental workbooks we might recommend. We provide each student with Forgione Tutoring's Strategy Guides, practice tests as needed, diagnostic tests, and mock tests. These materials are included in the Materials Fee.

Diagnostic Testing: Two full-length diagnostic tests are included. If you would like to schedule a diagnostic, check the appropriate box in the registration. Diagnostics are necessary if the student has not taken an SAT, PSAT, ACT, or pre-ACT within the past 6-9 months.

System Log In: You will receive Log In information to access your account, with which you can check scheduled sessions and billing/payment information.

Score reports are required with registration or before the first session. We prefer to see all score reports for tests taken in the past year, including SAT, ACT, PSAT, and pre-ACT. These can be emailed to [email protected] as a PDF, please.

Let us know if you have further questions. We are excited to work with your child!

Heather Forgione, Executive Director and Owner
(919) 800-8663

Michelle Braun,
Cary Director
(919) 234-1934

Credit Card Details (required for Materials and Registration Fee)
Student Information
Tests and Dates
Add Fields for Additional Student